And today ... nothing of note happened !
Left Kastamonu trying to take a few photos on the way out, but rush hour and impatient Turkish drivers prevented that.
Straight back onto the dual carriageway with all good roads & great scenery, all the way to Trabzon.
Nice vista. |
and again. |
"Uh, hello, hello ... can u hear me... there must be something on the line" |
And then for 12 km, the GPS wanted to take a short cut, so I complied .... come across what I thought was dung in the road. Then as I drew closer ....
Dung ? |
It was a wild tortoise crossing the road ..... slowly. And a bus was fast approaching !
.... very slowly. |
So, I put the bike across the road, and made the bus go around. Ah, that's my good deed for the day.
Then the road turned to gravel. |
... then a brand new dual carriageway that followed the coast for 100km or so. |
Tunnels galore. |
In the evening, met up with Jeremy, and we planned a nice meal with a glass of wine ... oh, Muslim restaurant, I forgot. OK, I'll try the 2014 Chateau neuf de Fanta than. I heard it was a good year.
And I hate to say, but Jeremy brought the rain from England, so after 16 days of sunshine, I had to get the wet weather gear out for the morning.