Suited & booted, we convened in the car park for the off, then Big John announced that he wasn't going anywhere today ....
The ultra-reliable BMW had sprung an oil leak, and it looked serious.
With 7 pairs of eyes, and no end of advice, it turned out the oil plugs above the cylinders had backed off just enough to leak some oil when started from cold. All attempts to tighten them failed, but as the leak stopped when the engine got hot, we "helped" John to make the decision to just live with it !
All too common scenery now.... |
but better than desert ! |
The 360 km to Chuxion turned out be be fairly uneventful, and we got there early afternoon...
Abdul had even managed to give us correct co-ordinates, so we arrived right at the door of the strangely named "
Green Style Hotel". But thats how it should be.
Later that evening, we had a stroll around the locality, and with the aid of Google translate, and a photo I took earlier in the tour of Pork in Green & Red Peppers, we managed to order a meal...
The obligatory photo with the staff. |
And after that, back to the hotel, to which I also decided to retire early tonight.... nowhere else to go.